Wednesday 17 August 2011

Is the almighty Facebook dead?

As I posted on my twitter earlier, there has been a mass exodus from Facebook, in Britain on average a staggering 100,000 people are deactivating their accounts each day, does this mean eventually Facebook, will leave us, like Myspace did?

In my opinion it shall, no populous can be constrained to just one networking site, look around, there are probably dozens of them, such as Twitter, Google + and even Blog spot. However recently on the 9th of August, Anonymous (a hacking group) as launched a campaign to bring down the networking Juggernaut (, with asking all hacker of every type to rise up against the monster of Facebook and bring it down. When shall this happen? Why, on the 5th of November 2011. Shall is occur you ask? My answer, who knows. This could be a idle threat, but if it is real, what is going to happen? Probably nothing people will move on and it is proably for the good.

Why you ask? Well, the bad thing about this awesome thing called the internet, is that once something is said or posted it can never be taken back, therefore this, possible destruction of many peoples beloved Facebook, could save them fines from police or being expelled by their school or fired from their job.

You say "They cant fire me over something I've said on Facebook in privet to my friends" Yes the can, in the fine print of the Terms and Agreement, they can for legal rights, why recently Facebook has been shutting down pedophiles Facebook account so they cant stalker their pray, (this is an upside) while outside groups are looking at your Facebook while you don't know.

IF Anonymous do shut down Facebook, people will just move on to other sites, Facebook is the main social networking site we use, however if it does get brought down, we has people will just move on.

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