Saturday 8 October 2011

Week 10 - News values

News values are very important, because if we didn't have people organizing for us what are the most valuable pieces of news there would be thousands of news headlines bombarding us.
This weeks lecture was on the news values, which is how does news become in the NEWS!

There are no doubt many types of ways people can get the daily fix of the NEWS!! from newspapers to it on our iPads, however what makes events news worthy is 2 main ideas, the impact of the news which in Arthur MacEwen words "news is anything makes a reader say "gee whiz"" which is true and the second one is Audience identification which is anything that a reader can relate to or anything of interest. However as stated in the top of the paragraph, that people get their news from different medias and thus provides the value of news is very different, because in some counties a new media might be politically inclined one way therefore only reporting of certain type of news, though in Australia according to our fine lecture Dr Bruce Redman, in his experiences Austrlaian journalist haven't been pressured into leaning towards a certain view, meaning that the journalist in Australia dont have to conform to a particular way in value of news and can report on anything they wish (there are limitation though)

However it doesn't stop there, culture also effects news values, as news in Australia such as bush fires might not effect anyone in the Middle East because there is no relation.

In 1965 Galtuge and Ruge two journalist created a list of 12. these 12 were different topics which the news at the times was based on...however this is I'm presenting is the same but updated for today's world.
1: Power nations/elite (people who are in control and the powerful)
2: Celebrity (famous people)
3 Entertainment (sport/fashion ect ect)
4: Surprise
5:Bad news
6: Good news
7: Magnitude
8: Relevance
9: Follow up
10: News agenda
11: Uniqueness
12: Exclusivity
 it is these 12 factors that create news and according to the adding hypotheses, the more factors an event satisfied the higher the probability that it becomes news. Therefore the more the factors the news has more chance it becoming headlining news ie a celebrity have a baby, covers celebrity, good news and surprise, which is 3 factors therefore it has a higher chance of becoming news.

News values have been around since the first news media, and will continue to be around. However it is the job of journalist to syphen through all the events to find the headlining news, and with the list of 12 they'll be able to find the headlining news pretty easily.

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