Thursday, 8 September 2011

Lecture Week 7

As promised this is the blog about commercial media. Heads up this will mainly be about me ranting allot.

There are two types of media public and in this case privetly funded. Public media is the ABC and SBS while privately funded is Channel 7and 9. Commercialism media is all about the $$ and it is a very cut throat world. It all about competing for ratings. That's why channel 9 will put Top Gear on against a Channel 7 big show so that people will have to chose. However the commercial media doesn't stop there they try and get people attention with using their logo with anything ie newspaper, apps and now sporting teams, because if some recognized the logo on something they use they are more likely to spend time of that channel.

Now there are wars every where between channels and free to air vs subscription tv. However they all have to play by the same rules which are set out by the country in this case Australia which have very high standards. Even though commercial media is about profit they have to get the consumer confidence which can only come through the news which is to provide news which is relevant and truthful because in today's television news is growing and is easily accessible and more importantly if a channel gets an exclusive story they'll have leverage over their compeitiors.

In this blog I've said profit it allot, commercial television get their profit from the advisement, which other companies place at certain times ie prime time. However if a channel doesn't get high rating and people don't watch it, it means it will lose companies advisement on it which means less profit.

However commercial media has changed from television and now to the internet with the news big boys ie FairFax, using their control to drag people to their sites, however since there are millions of sites out there is Wikipedia, it is harder to compete in the internet arena, because the internet is allot bigger.

This is the last point of my rant and also about the lecture, Dr Redman showed that how media is changing, it is no doubt becoming more tablodised, which means more concerned about celebrities, which is so true, look at traditional media ie magazines and most of the selves are about celebrities and not about current events. So what does this mean about commercial media?
Commercial media is about profit, who has the exclusive stories and best tv shows all in a hunt for you guys to watch their channel, go to their websites and read their maginzese and paper.

Overall this lecture was amazing and by far my favorite, what Dr Redman said was true about today's commercial media. It is exciting to see whether or not the commercial media giants will change their ways in the future or they will always and only be concerned with profit and viewer ratings.

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