Wednesday 21 September 2011

Lecture 4 - Listening to the News

This lecture on done on lectopia, not in a classroom, listening to an interview on the ABC radio, my job was to listen and pick on anything interesting that I hear; this is what I heard.

  • ·         Radio is very different from tv, as the work different and how you need to present your self.
  • ·         Radio is allot more interment, its “inside your head” as you arnt paying attention to it as much as your are usually multitasking, when listening ie driving or making a meal. 
  • ·  During interviews they are usually very relax the guest, as they are trying to learn and prob, with out head banging. However I feel that tv is the same, however the guest are under pressure as there are heaps of people watching them however, that why they resersh, while radio, there is no obligations to answer a question(s) .
  • That there are two types of interviewers, people who listen and want to let the guest talk - giving the guest the space. While the other type of interviews is the headbutter and ready to attack a guest if they say something not 'normal' such as a political view. 
  • Radio  using certain times slots to bring different types of shows, as conversations is one on one serious and humor conversation. While afternoon is humor, as people have had the whole morning of news, the ABC feels like people need a laugh and want to join in. This where talk back radio comes in. 
  • In talk back radio, they have to filter the people are there are the 'Abe Simpson" people, angry viewers and prank calls they have to filter and see who should be on.
  • There is allot of respect in the field of Radio.
  • People view radio as not dying, but a slow media, trying to not out do everyone but try and inform and giving people selection. Radio is not dying but is expanding with new media such as podcast, which allow people to catch up on a show if they miss it.
  • In conversations Richard feels that his views are the - stay at home mums keeping up with the world and also older people however is main age group he fells is 30-40. lol. However he feels he has a job that is giving people a public service.
    Then the first interview finished and the next interview started with Steve Austin (evenings)
  • This was mainly just a recollection of Steve Austin and how he got into radio.
  • The evening ABC show was mainly about trying to compete to TV, trying to make it matter in a 3 hour set, using talk back to help people get things off their chest.
  • Austin think that he has a very wide rang of audience from 4 y.o - 100 y.o, however he believe that women dont listen as much, however this is probably based on people who ring in,

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